Korean War

New Milford, New Jersey


May 30, 1947

Dear Friends,
During World War II, this little town of New Milford contributed generously to our Country’s Call.

Five hundred sixty-three men and women joined the armed forces for military service.  Two hundred twenty-three citizens were volunteer members of the town’s Defense Council, giving many hours of time to planning and practicing safety in case of any emergency.  The American Red Cross groups supplied many articles of clothing for the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, and made thousands of surgical dressings for hospital work.  The War Bond drives were always over-subscribed, the salvage materials were collected regularly, and every one in town accepted Rationing problems willingly to help win the war.

Through many years of teaching in New Milford’s schools, I had the opportunity to know most of the town fellows who went into service, and so we kept a Junior High School Honor Roll, listing the names of all our graduates in the military forces.

Carrying out the idea of the Servicemen’s League of New Milford, we published a mimeographed newspaper once a month and sent news from our boys in all parts of the world to all on our mailing list – three hundred eighty-five at one time.

I have tried to compile the records of our servicemen and women from information, furnished by them and their families, and although it has been a big task, I have enjoyed doing it.  I realize that there are probably some errors and omissions, but I offer my best effort and hope that you will be as interested in the experiences of our New Milford men and women as I have been.

I wish to express my appreciation to all who so willingly helped in any way to complete this project and I extend the heartfelt gratitude of our townspeople to all those who served during World War II.
